Friday, October 21, 2011

contoh surat lamaran

Application Latters
                                                                                                   Jl. Letjen Soetoyo
                                                                                                   Cawang 3
                                                                                                   Jakarta Timur

                                                                                                   7th June 2010

Human Resources Department
PT. Gramedia Asri Media
Jl. Kebahagiaan No. 4-14
Jakarta Barat 11140

Dear Sir,

Based on ad in the daily Kompas Dated 5th June 2010, I would like to apply for a job as a Quality Management Officer with the QMO-K code.

I am a female, graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Education Operating UHAMKA and master computer and English (spoken and written). I completed my education Achievement Index S1 with excellent learning and have good health.

As consideration, I enclose herewith a copy of my young graduate diploma, certificates of Engllish language and computer. Where possible and given the opportunity, I want to assure you, I am willing to be called for interview.

For your attention, I say thank you and I expect good news from PT. Gramedia Asri Media.

                                                                                                   I Sincelery,

                                                                                                   Ayu Fathonah

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