Monday, October 10, 2011

cnth surat Rekomendasi

25th April 2011

To Whom It May Concern :
Surat rekomendasi ini ditulis atas permintaan Mrs Ayu Fathonah untuk mendukung studi di program master melalui beasiswa dari Kedutaan Besar Republik Inggris.

Ayu adalah salah satu mahasiswa saya dalam mata kuliah Administrasi perkantoran dan juga saya membimbingnya untuk menyelesaikan tesis kecil nya. Dia telah aktif dan menunjukkan keseriusan dan komitmennya selama studinya. Dalam hal kemampuan berbahasa Inggris, saya merasa yakin bahwa dia bisa mengatasi dengan ceramah dia akan mendapatkan dari para profesor di Inggris, serta karya tulis dan diskusi lisan di ruang kelas. Dalam hal kemampuan intelektual, aku yakin dia bisa menyerap pengetahuan karena ia telah membuktikan dirinya selama kuliah.

seorang Dosen senior di Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Ekonomi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.  Dr. Hamka, saya sangat menyarankan Mrs Ayu niat untuk melanjutkan studinya di Inggris dan berharap bahwa dia akan diberikan kesempatan.

 Subject : Letter of Recommendation

25th April 2011

To Whom It May Concern:
Letters of recommendation were written at the request of Mrs. Ayu Fathonah to support studies in the Bachelor program through scholarships from the British Embassy.

Mrs. Ayu is one of my students in office administration course and I also led her to complete her minor thesis. He has been active and shows the seriousness and commitment during his studies. In terms of ability to speak English, I feel confident that he could cope with a lecture he would get from the lecturers in the English, as well as papers and oral discussion in the classroom. In terms of intellectual ability, I'm sure he can absorb knowledge because he has proven himself during the lecture.

As a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Education of Economics, University of Muhammadiyah Prof.. Dr. Hamka, I highly recommend Mrs. Ayu's intention to continue his studies in England and hope that he will be given the opportunity.

I am Happy to recommend Ayu Fathonah.


Drs. H. M. Jamil Latief, MM. Mpd.
Head of Study Program

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